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J : P & R Pub , ©2011 ISBN\ISSN: 9781596383876, 1596383879Genre: Criticism, interpretation, etcNotes: 155 pages ; 22 cmResponsibility: Prayers of the Bible : equipping women to call on God in truthEdition: Print book : EnglishThis language directs us to insight / Johannes Herzgsell --My conciliar theologian / Franz König --Ethos of proclamation / Hans Bernhard Meyer --Not only for opportunistic reasons / Otto Muck --He took his students seriously / Albert Raffelt, Franz Johna --A towering figure of theology in the 20th century / Raymund Schwager --An incredible facility for language / Wolfgang Seibel --Not a speculative academic theology / Adolf Darlap --He simply was unique / Karl Lehmann --Intellectual passion and spiritual courage / Johann Baptist Metz --Collaboration was not easy! / Karl H.. But what does creative practice in education really look like? Take a journey around the globe with educator and artist Robert Kelly to witness innovative creative practice in action, with examples from early childhood to post-secondary levels.

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